School Cleaning

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School Cleaning

Are you looking to invite a team of professional cleaners into your classrooms and school? If so, there is no one better suited to serve your students and faculty than the esteemed school cleaners at %COMPANY%.

Relying on the finest cleaning equipment for your facilities, we scrub away stains from the science lab, disinfect the play areas, and everything in between. We give you an environment perfect for everyday learning, and all for a competitive rate.

Let us take care of the daily or weekly cleaning sessions at your school. Call us at %PHONE1% today to book our services. We are here to serve you.

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Cleaning Schools to Perfection

School administrations near and far look to us for all their cleaning needs. One look at our wide array of services and it is easy to see why—but that is not the only reason schools contact us. Alongside our long list of services comes the promise of a fully customized cleaning regimen. Rather than cleaning facilities our way, we clean them your way.

Some of the cleaning services we offer include:

  • Hard surface floor care
  • Bathroom cleaning
  • Carpet cleaning and steaming
  • Dusting
  • Special event clean-up
  • Spring cleaning
  • Emergency cleaning services
  • Window cleaning
  • Day-to-day porter services
  • Floor stripping and waxing
  • And more

If you don’t see the service you’re after on the list, be sure to reach out to us. We’re sure to have the solution to your needs.

Putting Health First

There is more to school janitorial services than simply wiping away unwanted stains. Given the high traffic nature of schools, germs are a top priority of ours. That is why we disinfect every surface in sight. From the doorknobs and lockers, we will make sure to sanitize every inch of your school.

Prepared for Anything

Thanks to our surface-friendly cleaning agents and vast storehouse of equipment, our school cleaning company is ready to handle any spills. At a moment’s notice, we are ready to deploy our high-powered vacuums and deodorizers, or even wipe away those large cafeteria spills. When we’re on site, messes never linger for long.

Would you like to learn more about our school cleaning services? Contact us at your convenience.

Clean Schools Are Productive Schools

Schools are a place for productivity, socialization, and good healthy activity. Students and faculty should walk into them and feel comfortable and undistracted. With the school janitorial services of our team on your side, you will never have to worry about messes getting in the way of a productive day. We will make sure your faculty and students start each day with a sanitized and clean slate.

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Find the Finest Cleaners Here

With so many cleaning companies to choose from, it can be hard to know where to turn for help. Our advice? We suggest you seek out the company that prioritizes efficiency, public health, and services customizable to your liking. Once you narrow your search to the best of the best, we are confident you’ll make your way to us.

Schedule your in-depth, no-obligation school cleaning consultation by calling %PHONE1% today.

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