Crime Scene Cleanup

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Crime Scene Cleanup

Having a crime or death play out on your property is a traumatic experience, and once the investigation is complete, you may be left to cleanup the mess. However, cleaning up crime scenes can be quite dangerous, not to mention upsetting for property owners. If you want the assistance of a professional, %COMPANY% is the name to know.

For years we have been supporting families in cleaning up after tragic events. We use nothing but the industry’s most trusted disinfectants to cleanup contaminants and will restore your space without delay, so you can begin recovering from the incident.

To learn more about what our team offers or to schedule a consultation with our experts today, please dial %PHONE1%.

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Crime Scene Cleanup Services for Every Fatal Incident

Our team has experience cleaning up after homicides, unintended deaths, and suicides. We have seen it all, and we are adequately equipped to help you recover your property after these fatal incidents.

Our experts only arrive on the scene once necessary investigations are completed – after all, it is illegal to tamper with a crime scene before we’re given the okay by law enforcement or government officials.

Our team understands that these situations are tough, and we’ll do everything we can to complete your service thoroughly and efficiently so you can start rebuilding some normalcy.

Understanding the Work Done by Our Crime Scene Cleanup Business

Cleaning up crime scenes is certainly not a service offered by your average cleaning business. This work requires the use of CTS (crime trauma scene) recognized decontaminants and equipment.

We have been doing this work for years, and we are more than qualified to offer the following:

  • Cleaning up blood spills and bodily fluids
  • The disposal of medical waste
  • The cleanup of infectious materials and gases

A Crime Scene Cleanup Company that Makes Safety a Priority

This work is dangerous and safety is always our top priority – both the safety of our clients and staff. We treat every blood spill as an infected substance and use universally recognized decontamination methods to deal with the situation.

Our staff is required to use personal protective equipment including:

  • Protective eyewear
  • Shoe covers
  • Liquid impermeable coveralls
  • Gloves

Restore Your Property with the Help of a Crime Scene Cleanup Technician

Everyone hopes that they never have to deal with this kind of incident or its aftermath, but unfortunately, crime and death do occur from time to time. It’s our job to help you recover your property from traumatic incidents and ensure that your space is safe to use moving forward.

We understand the sensitive nature of these situations and will use nothing but the utmost care, respect, and support when working with you and your family.

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Contact %COMPANY% to Request a Service Today!

It can be hard to know where to turn in the aftermath of a violent crime or suicide, but once the investigations are completed, we invite you to call on %COMPANY%. We will work with you closely to restore your space and get things back in order.

Reach us to get started today.

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